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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries




Paul Feautrier was a member of the PhD defense committees of Michael Kruse (Orsay, Sept. 26, 2014), entitled “Lattice QCD Optimization and Polytopic Representations of Distributed Memory”, and of Luc Michel (Grenoble, Dec. 18, 2014), entitled “Contributions à la traduction binaire dynamique: support du parallélisme d'instructions et génération de traducteurs optimisés”.

Laure Gonnord was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Chan N'Go (Rennes, Jul. 2014), entitled “Formal Verification of a Synchronous Data-flow Compiler: From Signal to C”.

Alain Darte was member of the PhD defense committee of Romain Brillu (Nantes, Nov. 12, 2014), entitled “Efficient Design and Programming of MPSoC (Multiple Processors System on Chip) Architectures”.